2020 season points champion is Debbie Hull with 130 points, congratulations Debbie !!
Low gross with a score of 48, Deena Manning.
2nd gross with a score of 51, Amity Jones.
3rd gross with a score of 52, chip off Jackie Weddle.
4th gross with a score of 52, chip off Dawn Grinager.
5th gross with a score of 54, chip off, Ruth Flasch.
Low net with a score of 30, Holly Malkow.
2nd net with a score of 33, Marla Chase.
3rd net with a score of 35, chip off, Alannah Barringer.
4th net with a score of 35, chip off, Pam Soberanes.
5th net with a score of 38, Susie Jaramillo.
K.P. #2 Jackie Weddle.
K.P. #7 Jackie Weddle.
Long drive hole 6, Amity Jones.
Low putts, Susie Jaramillo with 13 putts.
Putting contest winner, Debbie Hull,
Chipping contest winner, Ruth Flasch.