St. Patrick’s Day Green Ball Scramble Results

St. Patrick’s Day Green Ball Scramble Results


First gross with a scramble score of 67, green ball score of 70 and gross of 137. Mike LaRue, Chris Berry and John Flynn.

First net with a scramble score of 67, green ball score of 78 and total net score of 138. Trevor Kimler, Jay Rhodes and Daniel Bell.

Second net with a scramble score of 67, green ball score of 77 and total net score of 142. Ryan Paauwe, David Comer and Jason Fields.



First gross with a scramble score of 77, green ball score of 90 and total gross score of 167. Mike Modrick, Huey Hults and Roger Hults sr.

First net with a scramble score of 75, green ball score of 92 and total net score of 149. Donny Peterson, Colby Nichols and Jim Losey.

Second net with a scramble score of 75, green ball score of 95 and total net score of 155. Henry Hather, Darryl Overstreet and Rich Ekman.


Mixed Flight

First place gross with a scramble score of 73 and green ball score of 82 and total gross score of 155. Meggan Martin, Todd Johan and Dave Muswieck.

First place net with a scramble 74, green ball score of 84 and total net score of 145. Becky Baier, Frank Escandon and Ryan Richardson.

A-Flight Closest to the pins

#2-Jay Rhodes.

#7-Doug Pflieger.

#11-George Strickland.

#16- Joe Botti.

B-Flight Closest to the pins

#2-Mike Modrick.

#7-Rich Ekman.

#11-Gene Szewc.

#16-Butch Thomason.

Straight drive- Steve Smith

Women’s closest to the pins

#7- Jill Bon Adelung

#11-Jean Major.

Straight drive- Marla Chase.


We want to thank the 66 players who came out to compete in the St. Patrick’s Day Green Ball Scramble