First place with a score of 29 was a tie and decided by a card off that took 6 holes to break. The team of John Flynn, Tim Hansford, Sam Wright, Sebastian Mendes and Kerry Wilder.
Second place also with a score 29 went to the team of Chris Berry, David Comer, Don Semanisin, Dan Balsiger and Eric Hennings.
Third place with a score of 30 went to the team of Chuck McGarry, Rodney Degener, Roy Manning, Jeff Krull and Joe Krull.
K.P. #2, Eric Hennings.
K.P. #7, Brian Escandon.
Long drive, Jason Caskey.
Senior long drive, Glen Schieffer.
We had a fantastic meal catered by Casablanca Coffee and Grill and good golf and great food was shared to end the 2016 season.
Sign up sheet for the 2017 season will be up in the clubhouse the first week of January.