Low gross with a score of 35, Gauge Meadows.
Low net with a score of 28, Mike Leddon.
Low putts with 10, Gene Szewc.
K.P. #2, Tom Hayes.
K.P. #7, Henry Hather.
Long drive, Bill Hults.
Senior long drive, Bob Mecum.
Greens in regulation with 6, Gauge Meadows.
1st place with 407.5 points, Steve Smith, Roy Manning, Darryl Overstreet and Henry Hather.
2nd place with 395.5 points, Roger Hults, B.J. Hults, Stacy Morgan and Rob Lewis.
3rd place with 393.5 points, John Flynn, Chuck McGarry, Rick Vischer and Dan Day.
We want to thank all the teams as well as the subs for a great season and hope to see you back again in 2020.