First gross with a score of 58, Gauge Meadows, Mike LaRue and Frank Escandon.
Second gross with a score of 62, Mike Brown, Rod Abbott and George Strickland.
First net with a score of 58, Robert Castillo, Todd Ferris and Bob Brownwell.
Second net with a score of 61, Jeff Caples, Rick Vischer and Ned Culver.
First gross with a score of 65, Eddie Burnett, Nisa Panapa and Jason Lawrence.
Second gross with a score of 70. Bill Morgan, Evan Mostowa and Stan Lawrence.
First net with a score of 59, Tom Hayes, Gene Szewc and Frank Thornquest.
Second net with a score of 60, Jean Major, Mel Friend and Terry Friend.
Third net with a score of 61, Don Semanisin, Rich Ekman and James Sisco.
A-Flight Closest to the Pins
#2-George Strickland.
#7-Todd Ferris
#11-Gauge Meadows.
#16- Billy Hults.
B-Flight Closest to the Pins
#2-James Sisco.
#11-Eddie Burnett.
#16-Jason Lwarance.
Women Closest to the Pins
#16- Debbie Hull
We want to thank the 54 players who spent Super Saturday competing in the Super Bowls Scramble. Our next event is the ST. Patrick’s Day Green Ball Scramble on Saturday, March 20th.