2021 Night Golf Results

2021 Night Golf Results

Men’s Flight

First place gross with a day time score of 28, night time score of 29 and gross score of 57. David Comer, Immanuel Byrne, Roger Hults & Bill Hults.

Second place gross with a day time score of 29, night score of 33 and gross score of 62. Ryan Paauwe, James Cranford, Jeff Ford & Christian Espiritu.

First place net with a day time score of 30. night time score of 29 and net score of 52. Zach Morgan, John Tunick, Jordan Werner & Matt Knight.

Second place net with a day time score of 31, night time score of 34 and net score of 55. Brad Jeffery, Rick Paterson, Bill Morgan & Evan Mostowa.

Third place net with a day time score of 31, day time score of 32 and net score of 58. Robert Castillo, Dennis Gage, Greg Jacobs & Gene Napier.


Mixed Flight

First place gross with a day time score of 28. night time score of 33 and gross score of 61. Jake McMahon, Mary Lou McMahon, Justin McMahon & Parker McMahon.

Second place gross with a day time score of 33, night score of 30 and a gross score of 63. Brandon Bradley, Brian Bradley, Keston Strauch & Heidi Packer.

First place net with a day time score of 32, night score of 33 and net score of 55. Dave Muswieck, Meggan Martin, Miles Martin & Terry Taylor.

Second place net with a day time score of 36. night score of 35 and net score of 59. Scott Rugh, Marla Chase, Dave Soberanes & Justin Soberanes.


Mens on course awards:

K.P. #2- Dennis Gage.

K.P. #7- Parker McMahon.

Stacy Morgan long drive 54 and under- Zach Morgan.

Stacy Morgan senior long drive 55 and up- Dave Muswieck.

Women’s on course awards:

K.P. #2-Mary Lou McMahon.

Stacy Morgan long drive-Marla Chase.


We want to thank the 18 teams and 72 players who came out in participated in the 2021 Night Golf Tournament.