54 and under division:
First gross with a 36 hole total of 145, Bill Hults.
Second gross with a 36 hole today147, John Flynn.
First net with a 36 hole total of 127, Evan Mostowa.
Second net with a 36 hole total of 132, Colby Nichols.
Third place net with a 36 hole total 140, Jim Losey.
Senior Division:
First gross with a 36 hole total of 154, Chuck McGarry.
Second gross with 36 hole total of 156, Dave Muswieck.
Third place gross with a 36 hole total of 160, Bob Wood.
First place net with a 36 hole total of 148, William Johnson.
Second place net with a 36 hole total of 148, Bela Doman.
Third place net with a 36 hole total of 149, Tom Van Allen.
Apple Peel Results:
First place, Chuck McGarry
Second place, John Flynn.
Third place, Bryan Walker.
Thank you all for a great weekend of championship golf !!