1st gross with a score of 57, David Comer, Immanuael Byrne, Roger Hults and Logan Genaw.
2nd gross also with a score of 57, Brian Escandon, Frank Escandon, Gauge Meadows and John Smart.
3rd gross with a score of 61, Sam Kane, Will Dillon, Kyle Hiller and Robert Castillo.
1st net with a score of 54, Megan Martin, Miles Martin, Terry Taylor and Andy Secret.
2nd net with a score of 54, Jesse Callas, Cassie Callas, Mike Forshay and Beth Forshay.
3rd net with a score of Stacy Morgan, Rob Lewis, Clay Morgan and Rowdy Morgan.
K.P. #2 men, John Smart.
K.P. #7 men, Alex Mueller.
Straight drive men, Scott Bighamn.
K.P. #2 women, Pam Soberanes.
Straight drive women, Debbie Hull.